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Customize naming

You provide a typo.Naming instance in typo.Options when running typo. This is responsible for computing all scala names based on names from PostgreSQL.

Customize field names

As an example, say you you have some weird naming standard in your schemas, for instance id_table instead of table_id. This is how it can be prettified in the generated scala code

import typo.*

val optsCustomId = Options(
pkg = "",
dbLib = None,
naming = pkg => new Naming(pkg) {
override def field(name: db.ColName): sc.Ident = {
val newName = if (name.value.startsWith("id_")) db.ColName(name.value.drop(3) + "_id") else name
// this incantation demos the effect, you don't have to write this in your code
// res0: String = "flaffId"

Customize enum field names

Let's say you get a name clash between a string enum value and a typeclass instance name. This is something which can happen currently

val optsCustomEnum = Options(
pkg = "",
dbLib = None,
naming = pkg => new Naming(pkg) {
override def enumValue(name: String): sc.Ident =
sc.Ident(if (name == "writes") "Writes" else name)
// this incantation demos the effect, you don't have to write this in your code
// res1: String = "Writes"