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Customize selected relations

You typically have many more relations in your database than you want to expose to application code. Maybe you're generating code for just a part of the system, not the whole thing.

Typo has a mechanism by which you can choose which relations to generate code for.

among the arguments to generateFromDb is selector, which by default picks all relations except those in the postgres schemas. See Selector

import typo.*

generateFromDb(options, selector = Selector.ExcludePostgresInternal)

Transitive relations

So in Typo we say that relations have dependencies, see flow typing.

Say you have some sql files and have chosen some relations, and some of those have dependencies on other relations. Typo can optionally generate code for these dependencies as well.

If you want that, you can customize Typo and set the keepDependencies parameter to true to generate code for those dependencies as well.

keepDependencies is set to false by default. If it's left at false, you'll only see the primary key types for those relations