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the interface of the generated code is not final yet. You can keep using a particular version of Typo ~forever, but if you want to upgrade to the newest version you need to expect at least some API churn.


Typo tries to make a guarantee that all generated code will not fail with a type error. You can still break constraints naturally, but the types should align.

Typo is close to delivering on this, but JDBC makes it incredibly difficult to get all the details exactly right. In other words, let's call it a strong tendency to get it right, for now :)


In particular, nullability in columns returned by sql files and views is something which may never be entirely right. This is mainly due to PostgreSQL being inexact when inferring nullability for arbitrary sql.

The pgtyped project has a metaissue which collects type inference issues in PostgreSQL here.

Some effort has been made in Typo to get a better source of nullability by looking at explain plans, see #27.