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Typo covers a lot of ground in that it should generate all types correctly. However, to safely insert or update data into PostgreSQL, you also need to satisfy contraints. Typo does a good job a helping out with foreign keys, but there are other types of constraints as well.

For now the constraints are picked up and output as field comments for the Row types.

import adventureworks.person.businessentity.BusinessentityId

case class PersonRow(
/** Primary key for Person records.
Points to [[businessentity.BusinessentityRow.businessentityid]] */
businessentityid: BusinessentityId,
/** Primary type of person: SC = Store Contact, IN = Individual (retail) customer, SP = Sales person, EM = Employee (non-sales), VC = Vendor contact, GC = General contact
Constraint CK_Person_PersonType affecting columns "persontype": (((persontype IS NULL) OR (upper((persontype)::text) = ANY (ARRAY['SC'::text, 'VC'::text, 'IN'::text, 'EM'::text, 'SP'::text, 'GC'::text])))) */
/** 0 = Contact does not wish to receive e-mail promotions, 1 = Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks, 2 = Contact does wish to receive e-mail promotions from AdventureWorks and selected partners.
Constraint CK_Person_EmailPromotion affecting columns "emailpromotion": (((emailpromotion >= 0) AND (emailpromotion <= 2))) */
emailpromotion: Int,

In the future, we can generate types for check constraints such as these to force you to use them correctly. it's not implemented yet, however.