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Compatible with your project

Much care has been taken while developing Typo to support many existing projects.

If you have a Scala 2 project with thousands of lines of database code, you have the option of integrating Typo piece-by-piece into your code base.

Developed in the Scala 2/3 shared subset

Everything works on Scala 2.13 and 3.4.

For 2.13 you need to set add -Xsource:3 to scalacOptions. The shared subsets shrinks in size for every Scala 3 release, unfortunately.

Bring your own DB library

Not wanting to invent all the wheels, Typo expects you to already use a Scala database library.

For now you have the option of doobie, anorm or zio-jdbc, with skunk to follow. Maybe also plain jdbc mode later.

Bring your own JSON library

In the same manner, you can generate JSON codecs for the library you already use, see json