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Streaming inserts with COPY API

If you customize Typo with enableStreamingInserts = true, you can use the insertStreaming and insertStreamingUnsaved method on your repositories to insert a stream of data into the database.

Under the covers this uses the Copy API in Postgres, which is SUPER FAST compared to other ways of inserting data!

NOTE: insertStreamingUnsaved requires PostgreSQL 16 or later!

The signatures varies for each database library, because there are different stream representations


def insertStreaming(unsaved: Iterator[PersonRow], batchSize: Int)(implicit c: Connection): Long
/* NOTE: this functionality requires PostgreSQL 16 or later! */
def insertUnsavedStreaming(unsaved: Iterator[PersonRowUnsaved], batchSize: Int)(implicit c: Connection): Long


def insertStreaming(unsaved: Stream[ConnectionIO, PersonRow], batchSize: Int): ConnectionIO[Long]
/* NOTE: this functionality requires PostgreSQL 16 or later! */
def insertUnsavedStreaming(unsaved: Stream[ConnectionIO, PersonRowUnsaved], batchSize: Int): ConnectionIO[Long]


def insertStreaming(unsaved: ZStream[ZConnection, Throwable, PersonRow], batchSize: Int): ZIO[ZConnection, Throwable, Long]
/* NOTE: this functionality requires PostgreSQL 16 or later! */
def insertUnsavedStreaming(unsaved: ZStream[ZConnection, Throwable, PersonRowUnsaved], batchSize: Int): ZIO[ZConnection, Throwable, Long]