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Testing with stubs

It can be incredibly tiring to write tests for the database layer.

Often you want to split you code in pure/effectful code and just test the pure parts, but sometimes you want to observe mutations in the database as well.

Sometimes spinning up a real database for this is the right answer, sometimes it's not. It is always slow, however, so it's way easier to get a fast test suite if you're not doing it.

The argument for the approach taken by Typo is that since the interaction between Scala and PostgreSQL is guaranteed to be correct*, it is less important to back your tests with a real database.

This leads us to stubs (called mocks in the generated code), implementations of the repository interfaces backed by a mutable Map. This can be generated for all tables with a primary key.


Notable, these mocks work with the dsl, which lets you describe semi-complex joins, updates, where predicates, string operations and so on in your code, and test it in-memory!


Typo guarantees schema correctness, but you can still break constraints. Or your tests need more advanced PostgreSQL functionality.

Stubs are obviously not a full replacement, but if they can be used for some non-zero percentage of your tests it's still very beneficial!

An example of a generated RepoMock:

import adventureworks.person.address.*
import typo.dsl.*
import typo.dsl.DeleteBuilder.DeleteBuilderMock
import typo.dsl.UpdateBuilder.UpdateBuilderMock
import java.sql.Connection
import scala.annotation.nowarn

class AddressRepoMock(toRow: Function1[AddressRowUnsaved, AddressRow],
map: scala.collection.mutable.Map[AddressId, AddressRow] = scala.collection.mutable.Map.empty) extends AddressRepo {
override def delete: DeleteBuilder[AddressFields, AddressRow] = {
DeleteBuilderMock(DeleteParams.empty, AddressFields.structure, map)
override def deleteById(addressid: AddressId)(implicit c: Connection): Boolean = {
override def deleteByIds(addressids: Array[AddressId])(implicit c: Connection): Int = { => map.remove(id)).count(_.isDefined)
override def insert(unsaved: AddressRow)(implicit c: Connection): AddressRow = {
val _ = if (map.contains(unsaved.addressid))
sys.error(s"id ${unsaved.addressid} already exists")
map.put(unsaved.addressid, unsaved)

override def insert(unsaved: AddressRowUnsaved)(implicit c: Connection): AddressRow = {
override def insertStreaming(unsaved: Iterator[AddressRow], batchSize: Int = 10000)(implicit c: Connection): Long = {
unsaved.foreach { row =>
map += (row.addressid -> row)
/* NOTE: this functionality requires PostgreSQL 16 or later! */
override def insertUnsavedStreaming(unsaved: Iterator[AddressRowUnsaved], batchSize: Int = 10000)(implicit c: Connection): Long = {
unsaved.foreach { unsavedRow =>
val row = toRow(unsavedRow)
map += (row.addressid -> row)
override def select: SelectBuilder[AddressFields, AddressRow] = {
SelectBuilderMock(AddressFields.structure, () => map.values.toList, SelectParams.empty)
override def selectAll(implicit c: Connection): List[AddressRow] = {
override def selectById(addressid: AddressId)(implicit c: Connection): Option[AddressRow] = {
override def selectByIds(addressids: Array[AddressId])(implicit c: Connection): List[AddressRow] = {
override def selectByIdsTracked(addressids: Array[AddressId])(implicit c: Connection): Map[AddressId, AddressRow] = {
val byId = selectByIds(addressids) => (x.addressid, x)).toMap
addressids.view.flatMap(id => byId.get(id).map(x => (id, x))).toMap
override def update: UpdateBuilder[AddressFields, AddressRow] = {
UpdateBuilderMock(UpdateParams.empty, AddressFields.structure, map)
override def update(row: AddressRow)(implicit c: Connection): Boolean = {
map.get(row.addressid) match {
case Some(`row`) => false
case Some(_) =>
map.put(row.addressid, row): @nowarn
case None => false
override def upsert(unsaved: AddressRow)(implicit c: Connection): AddressRow = {
map.put(unsaved.addressid, unsaved): @nowarn