Getting started
Database library
Note that you're supposed to bring your own database library. You choose either anorm, doobie or zio-jdbc in Options
(see below),
and you need to have that added to your build as well.
Getting started with DSL
If you want to use the SQL DSL, you enable it by customizing Typo by setting enableDsl = true
import typo.Options
pkg = "mypkg",
dbLib = None,
enableDsl = true
You also need to add a dependency to your build in that case, which varies by database library:
- for doobie:
- for anorm:
- for zio-jdbc:
example script
The Typo code generator is shipped as a library, the easiest way to get started is something like this scala-cli script:
put it in
and run scala-cli
// remember to give the project a github star if you like it <3
//> using dep "com.olvind.typo::typo:0.20.0"
//> using scala "3.4.0"
import typo.*
// adapt to your instance and credentials
implicit val c: java.sql.Connection =
val options = Options(
// customize package name for generated code
pkg = "",
// pick your database library
dbLib = Some(DbLibName.Anorm),
jsonLibs = Nil,
// many more possibilities for customization here
// ...
// current folder, where you run the script from
val location = java.nio.file.Path.of(sys.props("user.dir"))
// destination folder. All files in this dir will be overwritten!
val targetDir = location.resolve("myproject/src/main/scala/org/foo/generated")
val testTargetDir = location.resolve("myproject/src/test/scala/org/foo/generated")
// where Typo will look for sql files
val scriptsFolder = location.resolve("sql")
// you can use this to customize which relations you want to generate code for, see below
val selector = Selector.ExcludePostgresInternal
targetFolder = targetDir,
testTargetFolder = Some(testTargetDir),
selector = selector,
scriptsPaths = List(scriptsFolder)
// add changed files to git, so you can keep them under control
//scala.sys.process.Process(List("git", "add", targetDir.toString)).!!
Compiling the generated code
For Scala 2 you need to set add -Xsource:3
to scalacOptions
, with a recent version of Scala 2.13.
For Scala 3 you'll need 3.4.0 or later.
You can customize which relations you generate code for, see customize selected relations
If you want to split the generated code across multiple projects in your build, have a look at Generate code into multiple projects
sbt plugin
It's natural to think an sbt plugin would be a good match for Typo. This will likely be added in the future.