Primary key types
For every table with primary keys, a corresponding id type is created.
case class PgNamespaceId(value: /* oid */ Long) extends AnyVal
object PgNamespaceId {
// ... instances
Composite keys
Composite keys are also supported, and the id type is a product type in that case.
import adventureworks.customtypes.TypoLocalDate
import adventureworks.humanresources.employeedepartmenthistory.EmployeedepartmenthistoryId
import adventureworks.humanresources.department.DepartmentId
import adventureworks.humanresources.shift.ShiftId
import adventureworks.person.businessentity.BusinessentityId
/** Type for the composite primary key of table `humanresources.employeedepartmenthistory` */
case class EmployeedepartmenthistoryId(
businessentityid: BusinessentityId,
startdate: TypoLocalDate,
departmentid: DepartmentId,
shiftid: ShiftId
object EmployeedepartmenthistoryId {
// ...instances
I don't want these
if you have some tables where you don't want the type-safety this brings, you can customize
code generation by tweaking Options#enablePrimaryKeyType
import typo.*
val options = Options(
pkg = "mypkg",
enablePrimaryKeyType = Selector.relationNames("myrelationname"),
Composite id key types are currently always created.