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Generated code for relations

Typo takes the chore out of writing repository code to access your PostgreSQL database relations by automatically generating it for you. Whether you're dealing with tables or views, Typo's generated code simplifies database interaction, saving you time and effort.

It incorporates crucial database information such as strongly typed primary key types, comments, check constraints, and foreign keys. This not only simplifies your code but also empowers developers with a deep understanding of the database structure.

With Typo, you can spend more time focusing on your application logic and less time on repetitive database access code, all while having the tools to perform CRUD operations efficiently.


For tables, Typo generates comprehensive repository code. Take for instance this table:

create table address
addressid serial
constraint "PK_Address_AddressID" primary key,
addressline1 varchar(60) not null,
addressline2 varchar(60),
city varchar(30) not null,
stateprovinceid integer not null
constraint "FK_Address_StateProvince_StateProvinceID" references stateprovince,
postalcode varchar(15) not null,
spatiallocation bytea,
rowguid uuid default uuid_generate_v1() not null,
modifieddate timestamp default now() not null

comment on table address is 'Street address information for customers, employees, and vendors.';
comment on column address.addressid is 'Primary key for Address records.';
comment on column address.addressline1 is 'First street address line.';
comment on column address.addressline2 is 'Second street address line.';
comment on column is 'Name of the city.';
comment on column address.stateprovinceid is 'Unique identification number for the state or province. Foreign key to StateProvince table.';
comment on column address.postalcode is 'Postal code for the street address.';
comment on column address.spatiallocation is 'Latitude and longitude of this address.';

Primary Key Types

Typo generates strongly typed primary key types, ensuring correct usage and enforcement of data integrity. You also get types for composite primary keys.

/** Type for the primary key of table `person.address` */
case class AddressId(value: Int) extends AnyVal
object AddressId {
// ...instances

Row Class

You'll receive a meticulously crafted row case class that precisely mirrors your table structure. The field names are beautified (see Customize naming for how to tweak naming), and the corresponding types are correct.

Relevant column comments, check constraints and foreign keys are clearly marked, making it easy to understand the purpose of every column.

import adventureworks.customtypes.*
import adventureworks.person.address.AddressId
import adventureworks.person.stateprovince.StateprovinceId
import java.util.UUID

/** Table: person.address
Street address information for customers, employees, and vendors.
Primary key: addressid */
case class AddressRow(
/** Primary key for Address records.
Default: nextval('person.address_addressid_seq'::regclass) */
addressid: AddressId,
/** First street address line. */
addressline1: /* max 60 chars */ String,
/** Second street address line. */
addressline2: Option[/* max 60 chars */ String],
/** Name of the city. */
city: /* max 30 chars */ String,
/** Unique identification number for the state or province. Foreign key to StateProvince table.
Points to [[stateprovince.StateprovinceRow.stateprovinceid]] */
stateprovinceid: StateprovinceId,
/** Postal code for the street address. */
postalcode: /* max 15 chars */ String,
/** Latitude and longitude of this address. */
spatiallocation: Option[TypoBytea],
/** Default: uuid_generate_v1() */
rowguid: TypoUUID,
/** Default: now() */
modifieddate: TypoLocalDateTime

Repository interface

Typo generates a repository interface tailored to your table, providing methods efficient CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations at your fingertips.

import adventureworks.person.address.{AddressFields, AddressRow}
import java.sql.Connection
import typo.dsl.{DeleteBuilder, SelectBuilder, UpdateBuilder}

trait AddressRepo {
def delete: DeleteBuilder[AddressFields, AddressRow]
def deleteById(addressid: AddressId)(implicit c: Connection): Boolean
def deleteByIds(addressids: Array[AddressId])(implicit c: Connection): Int
def insert(unsaved: AddressRow)(implicit c: Connection): AddressRow
def insert(unsaved: AddressRowUnsaved)(implicit c: Connection): AddressRow
def insertStreaming(unsaved: Iterator[AddressRow], batchSize: Int)(implicit c: Connection): Long
/* NOTE: this functionality requires PostgreSQL 16 or later! */
def insertUnsavedStreaming(unsaved: Iterator[AddressRowUnsaved], batchSize: Int)(implicit c: Connection): Long
def select: SelectBuilder[AddressFields, AddressRow]
def selectAll(implicit c: Connection): List[AddressRow]
def selectById(addressid: AddressId)(implicit c: Connection): Option[AddressRow]
def selectByIds(addressids: Array[AddressId])(implicit c: Connection): List[AddressRow]
def selectByIdsTracked(addressids: Array[AddressId])(implicit c: Connection): Map[AddressId, Option[AddressRow]]
def update: UpdateBuilder[AddressFields, AddressRow]
def update(row: AddressRow)(implicit c: Connection): Boolean
def upsert(unsaved: AddressRow)(implicit c: Connection): AddressRow

Simplified Insertion

Since Typo understands auto-increment IDs and default values, you can effortlessly insert new rows without the need for complex code. A special structure is provided for creating unsaved rows with default values.

import adventureworks.customtypes.Defaulted

/** This class corresponds to a row in table `person.address` which has not been persisted yet */
case class AddressRowUnsaved(
/** First street address line. */
addressline1: /* max 60 chars */ String,
/** Second street address line. */
addressline2: Option[/* max 60 chars */ String],
/** Name of the city. */
city: /* max 30 chars */ String,
/** Unique identification number for the state or province. Foreign key to StateProvince table.
Points to [[stateprovince.StateprovinceRow.stateprovinceid]] */
stateprovinceid: StateprovinceId,
/** Postal code for the street address. */
postalcode: /* max 15 chars */ String,
/** Latitude and longitude of this address. */
spatiallocation: Option[TypoBytea],
/** Default: nextval('person.address_addressid_seq'::regclass)
Primary key for Address records. */
addressid: Defaulted[AddressId] = Defaulted.UseDefault,
/** Default: uuid_generate_v1() */
rowguid: Defaulted[TypoUUID] = Defaulted.UseDefault,
/** Default: now() */
modifieddate: Defaulted[TypoLocalDateTime] = Defaulted.UseDefault

Readonly repositories

If you have a bunch of tables you just want to read, you can customize the repositories to only expose read methods.


Typo also excels at simplifying code generation for views. While less code is generated for views, it's still designed to make your life easier

So given the following view:

create view vemployee
(businessentityid, title, firstname, middlename, lastname, suffix, jobtitle, phonenumber, phonenumbertype,
emailaddress, emailpromotion, addressline1, addressline2, city, stateprovincename, postalcode,
countryregionname, additionalcontactinfo)
SELECT e.businessentityid,
pp.phonenumber, AS phonenumbertype,
a.addressline2,, AS stateprovincename,
a.postalcode, AS countryregionname,
FROM humanresources.employee e
JOIN person.person p ON p.businessentityid = e.businessentityid
JOIN person.businessentityaddress bea ON bea.businessentityid = e.businessentityid
JOIN person.address a ON a.addressid = bea.addressid
JOIN person.stateprovince sp ON sp.stateprovinceid = a.stateprovinceid
JOIN person.countryregion cr ON cr.countryregioncode::text = sp.countryregioncode::text
LEFT JOIN person.personphone pp ON pp.businessentityid = p.businessentityid
LEFT JOIN person.phonenumbertype pnt ON pp.phonenumbertypeid = pnt.phonenumbertypeid
LEFT JOIN person.emailaddress ea ON p.businessentityid = ea.businessentityid;

You get the following row type:

import adventureworks.customtypes.TypoXml
import adventureworks.person.businessentity.BusinessentityId
import adventureworks.public.Name
import adventureworks.public.Phone
import adventureworks.userdefined.FirstName

/** View: humanresources.vemployee */
case class VemployeeViewRow(
/** Points to [[employee.EmployeeRow.businessentityid]] */
businessentityid: BusinessentityId,
/** Points to [[person.person.PersonRow.title]] */
title: Option[/* max 8 chars */ String],
/** Points to [[person.person.PersonRow.firstname]] */
firstname: /* user-picked */ FirstName,
/** Points to [[person.person.PersonRow.middlename]] */
middlename: Option[Name],
/** Points to [[person.person.PersonRow.lastname]] */
lastname: Name,
/** Points to [[person.person.PersonRow.suffix]] */
suffix: Option[/* max 10 chars */ String],
/** Points to [[employee.EmployeeRow.jobtitle]] */
jobtitle: /* max 50 chars */ String,
/** Points to [[person.personphone.PersonphoneRow.phonenumber]] */
phonenumber: Option[Phone],
/** Points to [[]] */
phonenumbertype: Option[Name],
/** Points to [[person.emailaddress.EmailaddressRow.emailaddress]] */
emailaddress: Option[/* max 50 chars */ String],
/** Points to [[person.person.PersonRow.emailpromotion]] */
emailpromotion: Int,
/** Points to [[person.address.AddressRow.addressline1]] */
addressline1: /* max 60 chars */ String,
/** Points to [[person.address.AddressRow.addressline2]] */
addressline2: Option[/* max 60 chars */ String],
/** Points to [[]] */
city: /* max 30 chars */ String,
/** Points to [[]] */
stateprovincename: Name,
/** Points to [[person.address.AddressRow.postalcode]] */
postalcode: /* max 15 chars */ String,
/** Points to [[]] */
countryregionname: Name,
/** Points to [[person.person.PersonRow.additionalcontactinfo]] */
additionalcontactinfo: Option[TypoXml]

And this repository interface, focused on selecting rows from the view.

import adventureworks.humanresources.vemployee.{VemployeeViewFields, VemployeeViewRow}

trait VemployeeViewRepo {
def select: SelectBuilder[VemployeeViewFields, VemployeeViewRow]
def selectAll(implicit c: Connection): List[VemployeeViewRow]